8 Transitional Season Wardrobe Essentials

8 Transitional Wardrobe Essentials
(By Grace Owen/Style Editor)
With the passing of Labor Day and starting back to school it’s impossible to ignore the woeful truth that summer in fact is coming to an end. For those of us in Chicago though we know the weather doesn't exactly follow the calendar scheduling and we might be getting some teaser hot weeks mixed in with the chilly fronts rolling in. And for those not in Chicago the change might not be as drastic but there still remains a sense of uncertainty in the air. That's why for the next month or so transitional pieces will be a crucial part of your wardrobe. You may not be able to predict the weather - or trust the weather channel for that matter - but you can still be prepared with a comfortable functional outfit ready for whatever condition it might bring you.
Denim Jacket
The denim jacket is absolutely a fall classic transitional piece, if you don’t already have one hiding away in your closet from last year now is the perfect time to invest in one. Dark wash, light wash, even a black or colorful take on the jacket all serve the same purpose; it's just a matter of preference that suits your personal style. I tend to go for a medium wash to be safe or look for jackets that match the general color of my jeans just in case I ever want a matching moment. They are perfect for chilly mornings and cold evenings to take on and off, you can tie it around your waist if it gets too hot and throw it back on as the weather shifts in the evening.
Closed Toe Shoes
The summer season is all about sandals and open air footwear to combat the heat - while we may also have some tennis shoes in our rotation they are not yet a crucial part of our collection. But as this intermediate stage rolls around and before boots take center stage closed toe shoes rise to the top. Classic white or black sneakers pair well with any outfit but if you're looking for a little more of a transitional item look for sneakers with fall toned themes or accents. Shades of nude, brown, burgundy, gold, are examples of what that could look like and below are a few takes on this.
The Cardigan
Ah yes the trusty cardigan - another classic transitional wardrobe piece that never fails to do its job at providing lightweight changeable comfort levels depending on how you wear it. What I love about cardigans is that they come in so many different materials, lengths, and styles that you can never have too many of them and finding the perfect one for your outfit is endless in possibility. Just like the denim jacket you can tie them around your waist if it gets too hot or throw them in your bag if it's light enough and then take it back out when needed.
There are so many wonderful different kinds of hats that complete your transitional outfit looks ranging from beanies to wide brim hats. Styles like bucket hats and baseball caps are other fall classics that start to emerge around this time. With so many to choose from it really is about finding the kind that matches your own style and going with your wardrobe. Whatever you choose, hats have so much duality blocking your face from the sun or keeping your head warm against the howling wind.
TurtleNeck Sweater
The turtleneck sweater seems like such a fall staple but trust me when I say they also serve as a great transitional item even on the warmer days. An oversized sweater can be thrown on and off, in your bag or car, ready to be versatile in its usage. Another take on the turtleneck I love is a short sleeved or no sleeve option - summarizing the inbetween stage we are at in the coming months.
Wide Legged Flowy Pants
All my wide legged flowy pant lovers know this already but these pants are truly the best. They are amazing in summer months when you want optimal airflow and comfortability and in the cooler months they remain supreme and look great with flowy layers. Everyone needs a pair of these in their life, you could even wear them through the winter season!
Satin as a general fabric is so beautiful and light weight, though seen mostly in dresses and tops the fabric is a fantastic versatile option in any form. Whether you wear a satin dress and layer a cardigan or jacket over it for the night or some flowy satin pants you will be stylish and ready for anything the weather brings you.
Another fabric you should shop for is anything linen, another great summer material that transitions well into fall. Pair an oversized linen button down with loose flowy pants, perfect to combat waves of heat while also keeping you covered enough to withstand chills. Or throw on a linen two piece (bonus if it's colorful!) for a ready to wear outfit.