Quiet Lion Creations Goodness

Earrings by Quiet Lion Creations
Necklace by Quiet Lion Creations
Earrings by Quiet Lion Creations
Necklace by Quiet Lion Creations
little lion
When I was 13, I discovered a book titled “Basic Beadwork for Beginners” by Mitsuko Muto from my public library — I credit it with being the sole jumpstart to my crafty career. Outlining how to expertly weave wire and seed beads to create little figurines and 3D structures, this book was right up my alley (check it out on Amazon here!). After some practicing, I soon had my own army of miniature characters: princesses, dogs, cats, bunnies, even food like pizza slices and apples. For a while there, my bedroom was becoming a stockpile of small glass beads (in all colors) and spools of 28 gauge wire! Similar to most crafters, I started exploring other jewelry-making mediums including polymer clay, macrame and hemp, wire working and the like.
In 2011, I created The Quiet Lion as a way to document my handmade creations. I’m continually inspired to create jewelry (and other fashion-related crafts) by reading magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and W Mag. However, I truly believe that “fashion” is not just about what you wear – it’s what you create. And it’s not just about following trends – create your own trend, think outside the box. I hope to teach and inspire my readers, whether it be through a lookbook post or DIY tutorial, to spark a crafty revolution!
I like to keep it pretty real at QLC – most posts are written while I’m sipping on copious amounts of iced Greek coffee and watching my favorite Chicago Blackhawks hockey (I love sports just as much as I love crafting)…..and I am constantly looking for innovative ways to expand my content. World takeover plan in the works? Maybe [cue evil laughter]………
Stay Stylish Chicago,