How I Find Your Personal Style!

This blog post was requested by a follower on my Instagram account and I think it’s a great topic to discuss! Many of my clients don’t know what their style is and hire me to find that out. Some ask, “will you style me in your style?” And “are you able to style me? I am _______ years old”. The answers are that I will dress you according to your lifestyle, age, size, and style aspirations! There are clients of course who will have very similar styles, but I wouldn’t be a great stylist If I dressed all of my clients the same.
So how do we go about this process? Here is the breakdown...
Style Assessment & First Appointment- with every client I email a style assessment for them to fill out to give me info like sizing, style likes and dislikes, style icons, and budget. Then there is our first appointment, I typically always recommend a clean out or if you don’t need that then just a wardrobe assessment. This is a great first step to meet the client in person, see their body shape, coloring for color matching, what they already have, what they need, and their personality!
Creating a List/Pinterest Board- at the first appointment we make a collaborative list of what I recommend to their wardrobe and what they want to add or what they want to try out to push themselves a little bit! I encourage clients to create a Pinterest board if they would like of images that inspire them and I can add to it leading up to our shopping appointment.
The Fitting Room- in any world I prefer to shop with my clients in person rather than online. Why is that? Well, shopping online is difficult for sizing, what the pieces really look like, and then the dreaded returns. My talent really shows when I am with my client in a store and bring them pieces they may have never picked out on their own but absolutely LOVE! I always say buy one or two pieces that push yourself out of your box, but not so much where you won’t wear it, this is how your style evolves! Being in person to try clothing on you can feel the fabric, provide in person style tips and tricks, laugh, and just have fun with a process you might have otherwise dreaded before hiring a stylist.
Your Style at Your Fingertips!- the very last step is to put looks together with your existing wardrobe and the pieces we added and put them into styled looks in categories you would like for your everyday life (e.I. Casual 2020 ) and put them into our custom app, The Look Vault. Most of my clients will say, “ I never would have thought about pairing that together, but I absolutely love it! It’s so my style.” This is major stepping stone in finding YOUR style together!
Don’t Put Yourself in a Box- when we first meet you will give me a few descriptions of what your style is or what you think it is. The truth is, keep an open mind when it comes to your style choices. If you like it, try it! It may be more edgy than your typical “classic” style, but fashion is suppose to be fun and be an escape, it evokes a feeling! I compare a lot of specific purchases to finding your wedding dress, you get that excited feeling and know you just have to have it. Just have fun and take style risks!
To Schedule Your Own Personal Style Experience Check Out Our KS Style Consulting Services or Give a Gift Card Click HERE!
Stay Stylish Chicago,