Keeping Cozy with Rossi & Rei

Their Story
I grew up on the coast of Le Marche, the heart of Italy’s leather and shoemaking industry. A place where people’s values are so heavily influenced by a long artisanal tradition that timeless, quality pieces of everyday luxury are considered a rightful part of life, regardless of anyone’s income or social class.
As a young woman, I dreamed of helping those artisans bring their products to the global audience, so I left Le Marche to study abroad and ended up in the Silicon Valley, where I was catapulted into the technology industry. Twelve years later, my lifestyle had transformed, my closet had turned into a collection of cheap, basic workwear to help me blend into a male-dominated business world.
On a recent trip to Marche, I was brought near tears when I realized how disconnected I had become from the simplicity, beauty and authenticity of the lifestyle I once cherished. I became used to moving so fast that I forgot how to appreciate the feel of cashmere or full-grain vegetable tanned leather. I lost the pleasure of owning beautiful, timeless, artisanal objects, the very things that support my hometown.
That trip inspired me to get back to my original calling and create Rossi & Rei. After restoring a deep adoration for my culture and way of living, my goal is to democratize not only timeless luxury essentials but also the lifestyle that allows people to fully enjoy them. The belief that embracing luxury every day – whether by owning a precious leather handbag or by slowly living in the moment - is as essential to a quality human life as air.
Stay Stylish Chicago,