The Makeup Show Chicago Recap

The Makeup Show Chicago, which took place on November 12th and 13th at Revel Fulton Market, was back for its 6th year as the largest yet pro-‐driven beauty event in the Midwest. The most successful show to date, The Makeup Show Chicago brought over 4,500 aKendees and delivered an inspiring weekend of creaMvity, educaMon, and opportunity to the Chicago area.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Franklin, Photographer
Pro arMsts and makeup enthusiasts came together for the show, where they were able to shop more than 70 beauty brands at exclusive show-‐only prices, sit in on an inspiraMonal lineup of keynote speakers and seminars, network with top industry execuMves, and fill their kits with some of today’s most cuRng edge products. Guests were also able to refine their skill set by aKending a variety of hands-‐on workshops and interact one-‐on-‐one with some of today’s leading celebrity arMsts.
“We were thrilled to bring back The Makeup Show Chicago, which showed record-‐breaking numbers at its new locaFon at Revel Fulton Market. It was a wonderful opportunity for arFsts and students alike to network with others in the makeup community, learn new skills, and ulFmately help build their careers.” -‐ Shelly Taggar, Owner of The Makeup Show.
The Makeup Show Chicago Highlights
The Makeup Show Chicago featured over 70 top pro-‐focused brands including: Diamond Sponsor MAKE UP FOR EVER, PlaMnum Spon-‐ sor Crown Brush and TEMPTU, Silver Sponsor NARS CosmeVcs, ContribuMng Sponsors Pinnacle CosmeVcs, Anastasia Beverly Hills, and GlamcorTec, SupporMng Sponsor MUSTAEV, and School Sponsor Make Up First School of Makeup ArVstry. Other brands in aKen-‐ dance included Kat Von D Beauty, Embryolisse USA, Ellis Faas, INGLOT CosmeVcs, Kevyn Aucoin, Mehron Inc, Senna CosmeVcs, among many others.
The Makeup Show Chicago featured a rare lineup of keynote speakers by some of today’s top celebrity makeup arVsts. Notable keynotes included those by Gregory Arlt, Mario Tricoci, Danessa Myricks, Yaneek Proctor, Michael DeVellis, Vivian Baker, and James Vincent. Each of these arMsts shared their secrets to success and favorite techniques in inspiring keynotes and demonstraMons.
AKendees also had the rare opportunity to see Kat Von D at her first ever appearance at The Makeup Show Chicago. Kat held a Q & A keynote session on Sunday that provided aKendees with amazing insight into her cra^ and incredibly successful brand, Kat Von D Beau-‐ ty. Not surprisingly, Kat’s standing room only appearance was packed to the raZers!
In addiMon to amazing brand releases and exclusive keynote sessions, The Makeup Show Chicago was host to a number of hands-‐on workshops lead by industry leaders. SOLD OUT workshops included Danessa Myricks’ “Emphasis Eyes” and Orlando SanVago’s “Un-‐ derstanding Color Theory and Color CorrecVon” and “Fundamentals of Complexion and Contour.”
About The Makeup Show
The Makeup Show is owned and produced by Metropolitan Pavilion and travels internaFonally from LA, NYC, Chicago, Europe, Dallas, and Or-‐ lando. Bringing each desFnaFon a unique convergence of arFsts and community, where beauty professionals are sure to find an arFsFc ener-‐ gy that will inspire any beauty buff, from the passionate beginner to the seasoned professional. Each show offers an unparalleled lineup of educaFon and appearances from top beauty professionals and focuses on career building and networking within the makeup community. The show provides a unique experience for the makeup professional to network directly from the best in the business. For a complete list of show dates and schedule of events, please visit
You can also stay up to date on the ho.est show news through an informaFve blog covering all things beauty at the-‐makeup-‐show-‐blog/. Also, be sure to connect on Facebook,, and Youtube.