We be Gemmin' with Peerless Charm

As a girl who loves to accessorize, I love when I find a new place to get my gems from! Peerless Charm is an affordable, quality, and super stylish site with fabulous accessories. My favorite necklace they carry right now is the "Jade Layered Agate Necklace" that I paired with a blousey sorbet colored top and black shorts. You can get this necklace and plenty of other amazing pieces on their website!
About Peerless Charm
Peerless Charm is the ethical accessories brand for the socially conscious woman with a love for fashion. In a world where our tags often read "made in China," we can never be sure the conditions our belongings were created in. Our mission is to make a positive impact through handmade accessories that have been ethically sourced, without sacrificing your unique sense of style.
Lauren Malmquist has always loved fashion and design. She put that love to use, when she began making and selling jewelry in 2008. In 2010, she officially launched Peerless Charm, and has been growing her accessories brand, while earning her Bachelor’s in Entrepreneurship. Lauren strives to create a positive impact, which is why Peerless Charm made the switch to ethically sourcing in 2012. When Lauren’s not working on her biz, she’s making coffee, playing/snuggling with her dog, or attempting new poses in her favorite yoga class. To get to know Lauren, check out our blog.
Shop Online: www.peerlesscharm.com
Stay Stylish Chicago,