Strong is Beautiful! Avon 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer

The AVON 39 windy city style means walking the Lake Michigan shoreline past stunning architecture and, of course, the Magnificent Mile. 39ers continue through vibrant neighborhoods while experiencing Wrigley Field, Buckingham Fountain, Lincoln Park, Field Museum, and the Navy Pier on June 6th-7th.
By stepping up to the AVON 39 challenge, you're helping breast cancer patients in your community and across the nation. Net funds raised will directly benefit the Chicago area and help make sure that care programs nationwide, as well as national research programs, have the resources to make the most progress possible to help obliterate breast cancer.
If you can't make it for the days to be a part of the walk donate here like I did:
Event link:
Chicago's event dates for practice walks (which anyone can sign up for):
Stay Stylish & Fit Chicago,